Rape & Sexual Assault Facts

According to RAINN:
  • 1 in 6 Women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • 1 in 33 Men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • Every 2 minutes someone in the USA is sexually assaulted.
  • 73% of rape victims know their assailant.

  • Women who use non forceful verbal strategies to defend against a rape were raped 93% of the time! 1
  • Those who use violent physical force reduced that rate to 44% - 14%! 1
"Statistics from: Fighting back works: The case for advocating and teaching self-defense against rape. By Marge Heyden, Tiel Jackson, Billie Anger, and Todd Ellner.  From the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, May/June 1999"

Violent Crime Facts

According to the FBI Unified Crime Report of 2009
  • 1,318,398 violent crimes occurred nationwide.
  • 15,241 Murders
  • 88,097 Forcible Rapes
  • 408,217 Robbery's
  • 806,843 Aggravated Assaults

In Florida alone:
  • 1,017 Murders occurred.
  • 5.501 Forcible Rapes
  • 30,911 Robbery's
  • 76,112 Aggravated Assaults

In Lee County:
  • 20 Murders
  • 200 Forcible Rapes
  • 407 Robbery's
  • 771 Aggravated Assaults
  • 2084 Assaults/Stalkings
  • 1593 Domestic Assaults